Tuesday 10 June 2014

The disadvantages of advancements in AI for human civilisation.

In the previous post we discussed about how robots have been involved in our daily life . But such involvment may lead to certain problems for the human civilisations itself. The excessive involvment of the robots in daily services which is currently being provided by humans( labour ) will lead to certain problems like unemployment and risk of AI take over ( as depicted in the terminator series).

The possible rebellion of the robots against human civilisation has already been depicted in many fictious stories. Have you ever thought what if the robot challengme its own creators (i.e the humans). Such  a problem was depicted in Asimov's short story "Reason".

Some of the problems that can be faced due to the excessive involvment of robots in the daily works are listed below :

Revolts due to unemployment
1. Unemployment

With increase in advancement in the capabilities of robots , it might post a threat to the common labour. It's been predicted that due to heavy  involvment of the artificial intelligence in industrial works , the daily labour may be severly hit due to low productional costs and high precision of the robots. Thus the heavy involvment of robo's in industrial work has lead to widespread revolts due to loss of people's job.In developing countries like India where unemployment is a major social issue , the excessive involvment of the robots in industrial applications might further worsen the situation.

2. Terrorist Threat : 

The advancement in the field of robotics may act as a potential terrorist weapon. The advanced humanoids may be designed to carry widespread attacks by terror outfits. Plus the robots may be designed to self destruct after carrying out the attacks , thus eliminating any evidence. 
Robots : Potential terror threats

Apart from the unemployment and the terrorist threats  the major issue that could arise if the robots stop following the 3 Laws is :

3. Defiance of orders and the laws : 

2070 : Robots vs Humans ??
Imagine a robot , who denies the fact that he is bided by certain laws and goes ramapant against the human civilisation , killing them all considering them inferior. Catastrophic yet? This is called the Frankestein effect , where the creation goes against its creators , threatning their existence in this world. This is a major issue that many scientists have talked about regarding advancement in Artificial  technology . If  a robot is made capable to have emotions & to think like a human being , do you think will he prefer serving you and not instead try rule you? An army of such rampant robots againt the human race will surely bring an end to our civilisation. Though one might argue that the 3 laws have been created to have such a situation under check , but nothing is fool proof! What if things go wrong. Theses and experiments will fail and humans would be on war with its own creation. Making a robot more similar like a human may sound fascinating and an achievement to us , but human will never agree to do the work we make a robot do.

    The word robot was coined by artist Josef Čapek , initially coining the term ‘laboři’, from the Latin ‘labor’.  He discussed this with his brother, Josef, and Josef suggested ‘roboti’, which gave rise to the English ‘robot’.  ‘Roboti’ derives from the Old Church Slavanic ‘rabota’, meaning ‘servitude’, which in turn comes from ‘rabu’, meaning ‘slave’.
History is itself a proof that slavery among humans lead to widespread revolts , independence struggles. Some took the voilent way , some achieved it by peacefat to similar to Humans? And it being more superior to the human race would surely lead to D - Day. If the "Robot" is made capable enough to think and realise everything , won't his actions be somehow similar to a human?

Well the talk about the advancement in robotics can have many theses . Different people would have different suggestions. Though true that a robot does help us by making our lives easy in many aspects , but when we consider the above mentioned points we realise maybe AI has major drawbacks and the steps towards growth should be taken one at at a time.

In the next topic we will be covering about : The basics of working of a simple robot . 


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