Sunday 8 June 2014


Who are we?

Welcome to the world of Neurobotics Solutions , where we aim to clone the Human Intelligence into embedded systems a.k.a Robots.We are a bunch of college students pursing  from some of the reputed institutes around the country .Though not experienced with the bookish knowledge , but we still have some knowledge in the practical field. We have been finalists and semi finalists in some of the national level robotic competitons held in India in the recent years.

The team members and the admin of this blog who will be here to help you are :

1. Prakul Pandit
2. Akanshu Mahajan
3 .Pranav Mishra

Why are we here?

If speaking in terms of knowledge and interest , we have gained enough of both over the years . With the vision of conveying our ideas to the world and to help other beginners we are here so as to make people aware about the basics ,scope and application of Artificial intelligence.

What do you expect to see posted?

Being a Robotic related blog , our team would focus on the following points :

1.  Basics for Beginners :

Having experience in this field , we are here looking to teach the beginners on how to do things on the basic level. Step by Step procedures for basic robot constructions will be given , many basic tutorials will be provided ( Right from the basics) so as to help the newbies.Not to forget , we are always here to listen to your doubts . Bless the internet .

2. Scope and Application of Robotics :

As the field itself fascinates us , we have been already working on the possible application of Artificial Intelligence in our day to day works( Research projects mentioned below). Through our blog , we will convey these ideas to people all over the world so as the ideas get globally accepted and initiate such comparable projects by others. Growth of robotics in our day to day life is our basic mission.

3. Completed projects and Related research  :

Over the years , we have completed several projects the most prominent of being them being our project named "Industrial Fire fighting robot" . Currently we are working on designing the robot on an industrial scale and also providing extra features viz CCTV etc.

One of our major project except the ongoing work on the Industrial Fire Fighting robot is the work on the technology "Neural Networks based controllers for Robots". In simpler words we are trying to use this technology to make Robots of various types to increase their accuracy and work precision. This technology can be applied in any field of robotics , be it mechanical hands or even the Industrial fire fighting robot itself.

The details and the theory of the project will be discussed in later posts.

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